
Gunamp Traditional Weapon of Kalimantan

Hello Gays back kalimantaninside blog, this time I wrote an article about gunamp (in the Dayak language) or shield....

Gunamp or shield is one of the traditional war Dayak kalimantan, which is used to fend off an attack or blow of the enemy, to break up fights, and for equipment Balian (traditional ceremony Dayak).

Gunamp or shields made ​​of wood that are mild and not easily broken against enemy attacks or Mandau. Length from 1 meter to 2 meters with a width of 30 cm to 50 cm. The front is decorated with carvings or motif. Usually the carving was made in accordance with the characteristics of the owners who have specific meanings. Section there are other places handrails.

Now most of the motif painting using black and white or red and white, or shield Gunamp generally rectangular six.
Gunamp currently sold as souvenirs and much used as ornaments to decorate the family living room.

thank you for visiting my blog. best regards from kalimantaninside.

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